Mount Of Mercury Negative Health

These people are more open to mental suggestion as far as health is
concerned than any other class.

If they think they are ill it is quite sufficient that they are so, and
they can become cured in exactly the same manner.

In reality they have excellent constitutions, except when they are ruined
by taking drugs and medicines.

As they always imagine that they have something the matter, they are
invariably the willing prey of quack doctors and every new cure that is

They can hardly pass a chemist's shop without buying something, and if
they sit next to a doctor at a dinner table, they are certain to walk off
with some prescription.

Their greatest fault is that they will persist in talking to everyone of
their supposed ailments or afflictions, for the slightest ache, pain, or
anything that concerns them, has the most exaggerated importance in their

On the contrary, Nature can do more for these people than for any other
class of humanity. Peace of mind, a country life, and plenty of fresh air
will banish all their ills and ailments into oblivion.

But, if badly mated, or living in unhappy surroundings, their health
quickly breaks up, and if they cannot make a change into happier
conditions, then no medicine in all the world can help them.

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