The Mounts Of The Hand And Their Meaning
The Mounts of the Hand vary in the most remarkable
manner in accordance with the character and dispositions of races and
their different temperaments.
In almost all the Southern and more emotional races, these Mounts are
more noticeable than those belonging to Northern countries. It has been
observed that all people with the Mounts apparent or prominent are more
swayed by their feelings and emotions than those people who have flat
palms and undeveloped Mounts.
The names given to the Mounts of the Hand are those also given to the
seven principal planets that sway the destiny of our earth, viz., the
Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.
These names were given to the Mounts by the Greek students of this
subject, and were associated by them with the qualities attributed to
these seven planets, such as:
Venus = Love, sensuality and passion.
Mars = Vitality, courage, fighting, etc.
Mercury = Mentality, commerce, science.
Moon = Imagination, romance, changeability.
Sun = Brilliancy, fruitfulness, success.
Jupiter = Ambition, power, domination.
Saturn = Reserve, melancholy, seriousness.
In my own long experience I could not help but remark the intimate
relation between the effect of these great planets of our Universe and
humanity in general. Although it would not be within the scope of this
work to teach also Astrology in these pages, I must, however, in order to
help all earnest students and readers of this book, put before them the
following curious evidence of the influence of the planets on our lives.
This is also demonstrated by the position and shape of the Mounts on the
Hand, and, as far as I know, has never been published in any book dealing
with Palmistry before.
In the accompanying pages it will be noticed that I have for the first
time dealt with these Mounts as Positive and Negative. The following
explanation of my reason for doing this should be of the greatest
assistance to my readers, and will also be useful in showing the close
relationship between the two sciences Astrology and Palmistry.
There are, it is well-known, in the Zodiac which surrounds our earth,
what are called "the twelve Houses" of the seven principal planets of our
Solar System.
The Zodiac itself is described both by Astronomers and Astrologers as a
pathway in the Universe, about sixteen degrees broad, in which the
planets travel. It is divided into twelve Signs or Houses of thirty
degrees each, and our Sun enters a new sign on an average of every thirty
days. At the end of twelve months it has completed the zodiacal circle of
360 degrees, or one Solar year.
The Sun, the creator of life, and itself the greatest mystery of our
Universe, is in bulk 330,000 times larger than our earth. It therefore
follows that in entering a new sign of the Zodiac, it changes the
magnetic vibrations of the effect of each sign towards our earth.
Consequently it is reasonable to presume that a person born, say in
April, and another in May, would have very different characteristics and
naturally a distinct destiny, because character is Fate or Destiny.
My readers will now easily follow me when I state that, especially as
regards health and disease, the following tables concerning the Mounts of
the Hand, taken in conjunction with the date of birth, will enable them,
when reading the hand, to tell many things with an accuracy that will be
most convincing both to themselves and to their hearers.
The Mount Of Mars
The Moons Of The Nails
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