The Philosophic Hand

The Philosophic Hand received this name from the
Greek [Greek: philos]--love, and [Greek: sophich]--wisdom. When the
Greeks made a study of hands they noticed that all those persons who
possessed this type had a bent for philosophy in their blood that nothing
could eradicate.


The Philosophic Hand is long, bony, and angular with knotty joints, and
is as a general rule fairly thin. People with this type of hand are
always studious. They are great readers and usually have a strong
tendency towards literature. They love sedentary work, and have a
somewhat lonely, ascetic disposition. Perhaps on account of this quality
they are very often found in church-life, or largely associated with
religious movements. The monks of old, I mean those who compiled those
wonderful manuscripts on doctrine, science, art, alchemy, and occult
matters, all had this class of hand. In our modern times this type may be
easily recognised, and the qualities it expresses remain the same even in
the age of money-getting and machinery.

It is, however, more usual nowadays to find a slight modification of the
true philosophic hand in that of the hand with the palm square and with
the fingers only belonging to the philosophic type. In such cases the
practical nature is a basis or foundation on which the studious mind
builds its theories, its religion, its literary achievements, or its
scientific researches.

As a rule the Line of Head on such hands is rather sloping, but it may
also be found almost straight, and when it is, a more "level-headed"
disposition will make more practical use of the studious nature. But
speaking generally, people with this type of hand rarely accumulate as
much wealth as those possessing the Square Hand.

The knotted or jointed fingers give carefulness and detail in work or
study. They arrest the impulse of the brain, and so acquire time for
thought and reflection.

The Philosophic Hand is one of the highest developments of the mental
side of the human family.

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