The Second Mount Of Mars

The second Mount of Mars, lying between the Heart and Head Line (Plate
VI., Part II.), is more important when the subject is born between the
dates of 21st October and the 21st November and until November 28th. In
the Zodiac this period of the year is called the House of Mars Negative
or Mental.

In character they are the complete opposite of the former type, all the
Mars qualities being in the mind and in the mental attitude towards
people and things.

The latter type are mentally very courageous, and possess _moral courage_
more than physical. They hate to have scenes, or to be mixed up with
physical violence or bloodshed.

They love to fight mentally, however, and in debates or arguments they
also fight to the finish. They are more quietly determined than the
former class of Mars subjects. They are even more obstinate in their
views, but conceal their opinions, and often pass for assenting parties
when in reality they are but waiting for the right opportunity to strike
their "mental blow" and confuse their opponent.

These people make better organisers than leaders, and their mental
martial spirit often finds a splendid field for their talents as the
brain behind an army. In plans, tactics and strategy, in carefully
thought-out stores of ammunitions, provisions, or in financial schemes
that may bring ruin or discomfiture on a more warlike enemy.

When not highly cultivated or developed, they employ cunning and craft
of every description to carry out their plans. They will stop at nothing
to carry out their purpose. They can be the most treacherous and deadly
enemies of all, and poison in opposition to the sword is one of the chief
weapons they most readily employ.

All these Mars Negative people have a mysterious power of magnetism,
which they seem almost unconsciously to use in their dealings with
others. They make natural hypnotists and thought-readers, and have strong
leanings towards occultism and secret societies of all kinds. When on a
highly developed plane, they use these wonderful qualities for the good
of others, especially if they take up the study of medicine or science,
for which work they seem usually well suited.

Mars Negative people are generally so versatile and many-sided that they
are the most difficult of all to place in some special career. If a good
Line of Head be found on the hand, then there is nothing in the world of
mental endeavour in which they will not make a success. It is a curious
fact that these people seldom carry out what they were first trained for,
and in fact in the course of their lives they are likely to change their
profession or vocation as many times as the proverbial cat has lives.

The worst fault of this type is that they are rather too adaptable to
their surroundings and to the people with whom they come in contact. If
they are thrown with evil-minded persons they are inclined to adapt
themselves to their companions and even attempt to "go one better," but
if in contact with good influences they just as rapidly develop the best
that is in them.

Their period of the Zodiac has from time immemorial been symbolised in
their lower development as the figure of a scorpion wounding its own
tail, and in their higher development that of an eagle with its head
pointing upwards to the sky.

Such symbols perfectly illustrate the dual nature of the type under
consideration. In their lower aspect no type can be more vicious or
harmful, even to wounding themselves and bringing about their own
destruction. In their higher form, however, there is probably no class
whose spiritual nature can, like the eagle, soar to such heights or be so
free from earthly ties.

Mars Negative people, especially when young, should above all things be
carefully brought up with good companions. They should be especially
warned to control their sex nature and be kept aloof from all perverse
persons and evil books.

As regards health, this type is usually inclined to be both slight and
delicate in their early years, but generally incline towards corpulency
after passing middle life. Both the men and women have a likelihood of
weakness or illness in the sex organs, especially in youth, also in the
kidneys and the bladder, while in advanced years the stomach and
digestive organs become disordered. All through their lives they should
be most careful and abstemious in their diet.

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